Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your order. Please DON'T verify compatibility by TV model only. You need to check your original led strip model before ordering. All led strips sent to our customers, have been tested to be 100% working condition. For LG 55UJ6200-UA 55LJ5400-UA 55UJ6000 55LJ620V 55UJ620V-ZA Philco PTV55U21 PTV55U21DSWNT Light strip information 55D3503V2W5C1B46612M-ZH-B1 55D3503V2W6C1B56912M-ZH-B2 RF-AZ550E30-0501A-12 A4 YAL13-00530300-24 RF-AZ550E30-0601B-12 A4 YAL13-00630300-41 RF-AZ550E30-0501A-20 A2 YAL13-00530300-37 YAL13-00530300-38 YAL13-00530300-42 RF-AZ550E30-0601B-20 A2 YAL13-00630300-56 YAL13-00530300-57 YAL13-00530300-61 The LED Backlight Lamp Strip Features: B1 467*12*1 mm ( length) 5LED Lamps B2 570*12*1 mm ( length) 6LED Lamps